Rona 4 Real

Client: Michigan for All, a non-profit led by DTE


The Rona4Real campaign, funded by numerous global and national corporate partners across Michigan, was created to help drive positive behavior change in the state and decrease the spread of COVID-19. The campaign, targeting hard-to-reach audiences and others, used a character named Rona to make the invisible, visible, and heighten awareness of the virus being everywhere with the potential consequences that had a ripple effect for everyone. The integrated campaign included organic and paid social media, influencer engagement, digital, TV, outdoor and partnership alliances.


Why it Works or Express Cultural Relevance:
Let me do me. 

The name, Rona, adopted from the Black culture and the culture of defiance, is one that is inherent in youth of any generation. It is the tenant of independence, freedom and a rite of passage into adulthood, so any intrusion on this core value is seen as a demand, no matter how you ask. Rona penetrated this audience by doing the opposite. Rona was put in situations and presented itself as the object that was taking that precious freedom away.


TCF: Understanding Campaign


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